Sunday, May 25, 2008

Commercial St

The day after the henna party I awoke early ready for the day.. saying that we left the house at close to 11am, this would become somewhat of a pattern over the next couple of days - aim low in India - its much easier to accomplish one thing and be completely satisfied than to attempt too many..

The mission today was Commercial St. Commercial St is where Shoshana got her gorgeous outfit from the henna party (see other post).

Catching a rickshaw we bargained with a little man called Aruuuu - or that's how we remembered him - we asked a price (40R's), decided not to bargain as seriously were we going to argue over a dollar between the three of us?

On the way there it was established that Aruuuu would wait for us and bring us home for 80R's - no time limit - so of course we agreed. Part of the deal in India is that the Rickshaw drivers like to take you to the 'best' emporiums where you get 'special deals' or they get commission - needless to say they have no issues if you walk in, circle the shop and walk out again.. that's fine.. you just HAVE to stop.

Commercial street was unlike any other I had been down - and I couldn't help but take pictures the whole way.

This inappropriate sign about finger lickin.. something no one should do in this country

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