Monday, May 26, 2008


We started early, with breakfast (fried eggs - they've almost got them right) and then went down to meet Probahka to set off on our journey.

In typical Bangalore style getting a time of how long a journey will be is vague.

ohh four 'ours maam
four hours? Its 21 Km's
yes maam very bad traffic - better you go to labagh park instead
do they have wild animals or safari?
no maam but very preeety

next local you ask
maam will take you two hours, why not do a tour instead?

Hotel Ashok (posh hotel where wedding was)
one hour maam - we can arrange a car for you if you like.
how much
6000R (150 us - it cost us 25 in the end)

The journey took 1.5 hours and that was including Alan and I looking for a bank.

On arrival we decided we wouldn't splurge on the private bus ($70 US between the four of us) but we would join the locals on their public buses. You know .. have an adventure..

The reaction of us waiting in line with them along with Susan's amazing detective skills (the buses have protective wire on the windows) meant that we backdoored it to the office again to upgrade to a private bus.

Where they tried to rip us off .. again.. however this decision was perhaps the best decision ever with only four of us being able to run up and down the bus taking pictures whenever we want and getting the driver to stop stop stooooooooooppppppp - please turn off engine, please roll back 1 cm..

of course they did it.. god I love India and travelling with snappers!

SO the bus was awesome, and I am completely in love with these pictures.

Next stop Africa..

Today was one of my favourite days..

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